Blog and portfolio of Roger Valls Martínez
Hello! I welcome you to ErreBio, my blog. My name is Roger Valls Martínez, and I am a biological systems engineer by training. I work with wildlife in a professional capacity. Currently, I serve as the head of the pre-release department at Wild Sun Rescue, a wildlife rescue, rehabilitation, and release center in Costa Rica. However, I have extensive experience in the care, reproduction, raising, training, and rehabilitation of wild animals. My passion is precisely this: ecology and wildlife (particularly psittacine birds), and working towards their well-being, rehabilitation, and conservation.
Through this page, I aim to share and spread knowledge about all these aspects, always from my own understanding, experiences, and personal perspective, which, as is logical, not everyone is expected to share. In any case, my goal is to publicly express the knowledge I have had the opportunity to acquire, the experiences I have lived through, and some reflections that, after more than a decade dedicated to all of this, have been on my mind.
If you’d like to learn a little more about my background, my story, and my motivations, here’s a link to the first blog post: the introduction (although it was written in December 2023 and is no longer up to date).
That said, once again, I welcome you to my blog, hoping you enjoy it. If you have any questions, suggestions, comments, or reflections to share, feel free to leave them in the comments section of the relevant post.
Happy reading!